April 2023

Comeback Comedy Writing Competition Winners Event

A playwriting competition for prisoners and ex-prisoners in England and Wales.

The deadline for submissions was 30 November 2022.

The five winning comedy scripts were showcased in a special performance at Soho Theatre Downstairs on 31st March 2023:

1st prize: Blocka by Brandon

2nd Prize: Thee and Me by Richard

3rd Prize: Tom’s Dead by Terry

4th place: A Dog’s Dinner by James

5th place: A Fridge Too Far by Clare

Our expert judging panel was Shane Allen (Boffola Pictures, former BBC comedy commissioner), Jason Barnett (actor, writer, and sitcom performer inc Lee and Dean, Porridge 2017) Dimple Pau (Assistant Comedy Producer, Soho Theatre), Katy Wix (actor, writer and sitcom performer inc Ghosts and Stath Lets Flats) and Synergy’s Artistic Director Esther Baker. They chose winning plays that made them laugh and found that these scripts stood out for either their ability to surprise, their vivid characterization or their strong and distinct voice.



With support from Comic Relief, Synergy is looking for short comedy scripts – of any style.

You don’t need experience, just make us laugh

Terms & Conditions

  • Who can enter? All prisoners or ex-prisoners in England or Wales
  • What kind of comedy? Any script, any style, written to be performed
  • How long? As short as you like but no longer than ten minutes when read out
  • How many characters? No more than 4
  • How many entries? Up to 5 per person
  • What do the winners get? 1st £150, 2nd £100, 3rd £75, Highly commended £50. Winnings plays will be performed as script-in-hand readings by professional actors.

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